Is Hollywood The Next Stop For Meera Jee?

Meera Jee has received her fair share of criticism, trolls and memes when it comes to English and her acting. The once golden actress is now desperate to get projects that might get her back to holding reigns of the previous era. While she is always out for publicity, this time she has done something, which we aren’t sure what exactly means.

Meera is currently in Hollywood enjoying and having the time of her life:

Meera is already active on Twitter and is known for trolling back whenever someone tries to make fun of her. And we must say that this is one thing that she is best at. But, here comes that big news that we all are shocked on:

Meera? Hollywood? We know that there would be a ton of questions that you want to ask. Because, we all know that Meera Jee and English quite don’t go hand in hand with each other. This same confusion has been imprinted in the minds of everyone who came across; “In talks of signing a Hollywood project.”

Here is what the confused public had to say:

On the other hand, some people appreciated her and wished the best:

Meera is one of the country’s veteran actress and had a hold on cinema for a long period of time. We wish her all the best, and hope that no matter what she does, she achieves success and fame for this country.