Life After Lockdown in South Korea, Germany Gives Us Hope

Two countries, South Korea and Germany, give us hope by showing life after lockdown and successfully combating the virus outbreak.

South Korea is now known for its effective handling of the virus. Back in February, South Korea had the highest number of cases after China. On the other hand, Germany has also managed the virus outbreak impressively. More than half of the people have recovered from coronavirus. So how did such huge and lively countries beat it? What does life after lockdown look like?

It happened by reacting to it promptly. Such emergencies need to be dealt with quickly and also wisely. One wrong decision can lead to a disaster. And life after lockdown looks normal just some extra caution is needed. It’s not impossible as we have two examples right in front of us, South Korea and Germany. They’ve beaten the virus and shown how different strategies can work out provided that the public is willing to adopt them.

South Korea

South Korea couldn’t go under lockdown so they went for a different approach. A combination of widespread testing, aggressive contact tracing, stern public health measures and digital technology was the sweet spot for them. South Korea also made sure to maintain strict quarantine measures for patients and asymptomatic people.

Their strategy was implemented so strictly that the total number of reported cases stands at only 10,840 with a population of over 51 million. The nationwide death toll recorded was 256 and 9,568 people have recovered, leaving only 1,016 active cases. However, South Korea is still cautious and hasn’t returned to normalcy as the virus can still be spread if no guidelines are followed.

South korea lockdown

The good news is that the strict social distancing policies are being relaxed but some guidelines still need to be followed by citizens of South Korea. The guidelines include self-isolation if you fall sick, stay at least 5 feet apart, washing hands for 30 seconds. It also instructs to keep rooms well ventilated and disinfected. Elderly and those in high-risk groups should continue to stay home.

In a post-coronavirus world, South Korea is determined to start living again but with a lot of caution. Children will go back to school from May 13. The baseball season is in full swing but with empty stadiums, of course. In short, the country is slowly and gradually progressing towards getting back to normal but not completely normal.


Germany has also set an example for the whole world during this pandemic. The number of reported cases is 170,588 but 143,300 have recovered. It’s in the top 10 countries with the highest number of reported cases but their strategy has made them successfully handle it. It’s taking baby steps towards reopening business after weeks-long lockdown.

While restrictions are being eased, people are instructed to follow the guidelines provided. Limits on social contact would remain in place until June 5. People are allowed to meet each other and visit their families but a distance of 5 feet needs to be maintained. Shops are allowed to reopen but must follow strict hygiene measures.


Germany’s top football, the Bundesliga, will resume play from May 16. But there will be no spectators because the social distancing rules must be followed. Germany’s situation is more like a success story in Europe. The country has tackled the virus in a way that has left many impressed. The country is well equipped and constantly carrying out tests. Another noticeable achievement is that the death toll is relatively low compared to other countries.

germany lockdown

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