Sitting At Home & Eating All Day Can Lead To. . .

You can’t expect to boast about your energy if you follow a sedentary lifestyle and stick around places to sit all day. Thus, physical inactivity and not being nimble can lead to some very harmful consequences that no one of us wishes to go through.

Though there are many dangers that are associated with not being physically active, but here are some immediate problems that may stem out of your lethargy:


Most of the people deny the fact that hypertension could be caused by their inactivity and self-imposed physical inability. High Blood Pressure is what causes hypertension and those who have it can become a victim of kidney diseases, heart diseases and can even deny of strokes.

Depression and Anxiety:

Most of the people fail to link the obvious problems of anxiety and depression to physical inactivity. However, World Health Organization (WHO) has made it clear that those people who tend to stay stationary for most part do the day and have this habit of regular physical inactivity are more vulnerable to anxiety and psychological depression.


One of the instant dangers that is associated with physical inability is extreme obesity, and by extreme we mean that borderline dangerous. This disease can easily shorten anyone’s lifestyle and leads to the abnormal functioning of the body. The high-fat accumulation in itself is an indicator that you won’t be able to walk or run for longer intervals. Thus, it is necessary to carry such a lifestyle from the start that won’t let you get obese


Physical inactivity, obesity, high cholesterol and an unhealthy diet are all the major reasons of diabetes. It has been deduced that these may cause up to 10 per cent increase in cases of diabetes. Adult onset Diabetes or otherwise called as physical diabetes leads to the lack of insulin production in the human body. This may result in kidney issues, eye problems, heart diseases and even nerve damage.

Heart Diseases:

As mentioned above, high cholesterol levels that are a major bi-product of inactivity are another important factor that airs heart diseases. Only exercises and extreme cardio on daily basis can ward off this risk, but if you laze around all day, you yourself would be responsible for what lies ahead.